statistical regularity meaning in English
- Some scholars have argued that kids learn to form sentences just as they learn to perceive word boundaries ? by listening for statistical regularities in other people ' s speech
一些学者认为孩子们像学习理解词意一样学习造句? ?通过在他人的语言中听取具有统计量的规则。 - Many transmission experiments with several kinds of data are carried out at campus network . referring to time data getting from wan transmission experiments , some statistical regularity and characters of time delay are obtained
在校园网上进行了大量的各类数据传输时延统计实验,并参照广域网数据对时延数据进行了统计分析,从中得出了一些统计规律和特征。 - Abstract : the 591 902 cases on the traffic accidents from 1996 to 1997 in china are analyzed and studied , the statistical regularity of the traffic accidents and relevant analytical conclusion are obtained
文摘:以1996 、 1997年全国发生的591902起上报事故为主要研究对象,结合相关因素进行统计分析,综合得出了我国道路交通事故的部分特点与规律,提出了改善交通安全状况的若干具体措施。 - As far as life cycle of an enterprise is concerned , in different stages of development , there is discrepancy and definite statistical regularity among the respective influence of human capital , structural capital and relational capital on performance